We humans are so accustomed to having our thoughts guide us through life. We take comfort in knowing the outcome of our actions; our endeavors. We feel safe if we know what is going to happen, where it is going to lead us and what the outcome will be. Feeling secure in this comfort is ultimately false. It’s an illusion.
What if the result/outcome of a body-centered practices like Tantra is determined by our willingness and ability to let each moment guide us? How would it be to feel secure in the moment generated by our breath, by touch and by our intention? If our breath is the pathway through each moment, breathing becomes a bridge to the next moment. In Tantra, this calls on us to trust that each moment can hold and support us and that our breath, touch and intention can take us to the next moment.
The Tantric Invitation is a special opportunity for Giver and Receiver to enter into the realm of sensation, breath and curiosity. This particular exploration invites us to consider the notion that each moment in a tantric encounter becomes a friend, an ally – a potentially transformative facilitator. Where there is pain, dullness, disconnection or unfulfilled desire, Tantra offers us an opening into a sea of possibility. Pleasure is one of those possibilities. Accepting the invitation to fully embody each moment is for both Receiver and Giver a Gift. A healthy dose of curiosity allows both partners to be guided by the potential of each moment. Our Sensations and our Breath lead the way into altered states and, ultimately, into transformative states of consciousness.
The Tantric Invitation is one of trust. It’s about clear intentions and clear agreements between curious humans. It is trust in the universal life force. That force is always available to us. It is not personal. It is not romantic. It is not attached to anybody or anything. It is the Way of Nature. Tantra is a co-creation by curious practicing humans who agree to trust in the universal source and trust that the moment is enough.
Key to accepting the Tantric Invitation is a willingness to let go into your breath, into another’s hands and into your body’s inner-sensing. The Tantric invitation/ agreement calls us to let go of outcomes and expectations. Letting-go into the moment is about letting-go into the body’s wisdom and, ultimately into pleasure. Our bodies know how to gravitate to pleasure. Our breath knows how to take us there. Tantra invites us to trust and to dive more deeply into ourselves and into our full aliveness.