In-Person Touch and Tantra and Coaching by Appointment

Embodiment, Intimacy and Awareness Training are key elements of Heart-Centered Touch work.  A private session is crafted to meet your needs for Touch, communication and insight. The sessions last for one hour,  90 minutes or longer. You can focus on issues that may be blocking you from expressing yourself freely. You may be challenged finding intimacy in your life. Heart Centered Touch Private Sessions can help you address and resolve issues so that you can live a more full, embodied and satisfied life.

You may also choose to have a relaxing, sensual experience of massage live in Adam’s New York City Upper West Side office— being touched in an open and safe manner.
Tantric Sessions take the sensual further – helping you circulate your body’s energy – including erotic energy for wholeness, health and increased aliveness.
invites you to be more present and to make healthy and appropriate choices for your personal evolution by learning to be aware of your inner experiences.

No two private sessions are alike. The client begins the work by setting an intention for the session. These intentions vary according to the client’s needs at the time.  Examples  of issues that are addressed are: sexual function and performance, recovery from a loss of a relationship or family member. A change or loss of job, dissatisfaction in a relationship, issues of sexuality and sexual identity and expression. Shame and guilt issues are also common. Abuse issues, past traumas and healing addictions and compulsions can also be addressed. Whatever issues are challenging your life, a Private Heart Centered Touch session can be a way towards more resolution to achieve more freedom, balance and choice in your life.

Private sessions are available every day at Adam’s studio on the Upper West Side of Manhattan or online using Zoom. Make prior appointments by phone or by e-mail: / 212-366-9025

The fee for a one-hour massage session is $150.
The fee for a 90-minute massage session is $200.

The fee for a one-hour Tantra session is $200.
The fee for a 90-minute Tantra session is $250.



Written by: Adam Brown

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