Once Practitioner and Receiver make Agreements governing the confines of the Tantric Session, communication stays open, especially in the first minutes of the session. Grounding is essential using techniques such as holding the ‘Bubbling Spring’ acu-point on the sole of the foot. In the beginning, the receiver is empowered to request tangible touch parameters such as speed of the touch, depth of touch and quality of touch. The Giver ‘s task is to listen closely to the Receiver – to his requests, wishes and, importantly, to his breathing. The receiver’s breath will guide the pace of the session. At times, the Giver may find it necessary to encourage the Receiver to breathe. Time is needed sometimes for the Receiver to find his own rhythm is breathing. This time is essential in creating a satisfying Tantric session.
Living in the Moment is the most ideal place to be during a Tantric session. The outcome/end result is often unknown. Each moment offers the opportunity to fully inhabit the moment – for both Receiver and Giver.
What does it mean to fully inhabit each moment?
Breathing is key. The Giver employs various methods to help the receiver release tension in the muscles and soft tissue. Push/Hold/Release is a great method of releasing held tension into pleasure and is a hallmark of Tiger Tantric Massage.
Think of rocking the body lightly to start. That rocking leads to a targeted push into the muscles of the back, pelvis and glutes – methodically, with purpose. The Giver holds the body at the end-point of the push and waits for the receiver’s breath to signal him to move to the next area. The shifts are often minute. The Giver takes small steps to release tension muscle-by-muscle. This becomes a dance of release of tension that is manageable, incremental. Breathing with each small release allows surges of sensation throughout the body. The Giver follows the Receiver’s breath. The Receiver follows the Giver’s push. Tension, resistance, even pain can be transformed by this dance. The transformation of pain into pleasure can be profound.
The key element to satisfying release-into-pleasure is repeated passes of
Push/Hold/Release. The repetition allows the Receiver to follow a clear road-map – a reliable and predictable pattern of approaching the body. There is no instruction needed, except encouraging the receiver to breathe at times. It becomes a dance of lead and follow. It’s reliable. This reliable repetition gives the Receiver a sense of traveling along a road of release – where he is an active participant – ultimately releasing tension into the pleasure of each moment.