what is heart-centered touch?
Men Connecting With Men Through Touch & Authentic Communication
Heart Centered Touch provides a space for men to explore and enjoy touch in group and workshop experiences, on retreat and in individual sessions. In our programs, Touch is a direct way for men to establish and maintaining a solid connection with one another. Authentic communication is an aspect of the Heart-Centered Touch experience that we practice in paired and group verbal exercises. Embodied practices like Taoism and Tantra call on us to become aware of our inner experience and to learn how to articulate experiences in our lives. We practice asking for what we want and develop a compassionate heart towards others. In the spirit of curiosity, a commitment to personal growth and inner emotional, physical and spiritual cultivation is our mission. The intention of all our programs focuses on fostering greater intimacy among men.
Participants learn Touch skills by practicing together and discovering how our sense of personal power can blossom with practice. Adam’s teachings and the input by all attendees create a strong container for meaningful learning and personal growth.

We offer:
心 A monthly Massage Exchange Group in New York City;
心 Four-hour thematic groups/workshops as well as weekend workshops in a variety of locations in North America.
心 Week-long Winter retreats in Mexico each year.
All men are welcome in our programs.

Expand your Touch skills and practice in a communal /residential setting.

About Adam
Adam’s life is a laboratory for his work and his work is a natural outgrowth of his life. It is primarily through practices of the body, mind & spirit of Taoism and Tantra that Adam’s life and work has evolved.