about adam
Adam works in New York City as an Acupuncturist, Bodyworker and Teacher. He facilitates groups, workshops and retreats for men mainly in North America. He has taught Heart-Centered Touch practices at Easton Mountain Retreat Center and at Frog Meadow Farm for many years. He teaches regular Massage/Bodywork/Touch to men as a mode of connection. Adam also teaches classes in Taoist QiGong, a centering practice that has sustained him for 25 years. More recently, Adam has focused on teaching and working privately with with men to apply Tantra principles with a focus on living full, embodied and expressive lives. It is primarily through these practices that Adam’s brings an intention for deeper inner connections and meaningful connections among men.
Find out more about Heart-Centered Touch offerings below.
Adam is a True Healer. His vast combination of trainings in the realm of Body/Mind/Spirit combined with his highly tuned intuitive sense make him both an extraordinary teacher and practitioner! His workshops gently guide men to find their true erotic centers. From there, anything is possible.
– Joey, Portland, OR