How Touch, Tantric and Taoist Practices Expand us

Heart-Centered Touch for Men
Intentions and Purpose of the Blog
Welcome to my blog—a space where we can explore men’s health, vitality, and connection together. My work with men is through bodywork, Taoist QiGong, and Tantric principles. As an acupuncturist, bodyworker, and teacher, I’ve spent years helping men live fuller, more embodied, and expressive lives. This blog is a way of sharing insights from my life’s work that includes workshops, classes retreats and individual sessions. Men crave meaningful conversations about issues that matter to us. Whether you’re curious about how your prostate contributes to pleasure or you want to learn more about Taoist practices contributing to male vitality, this is a place to grow, connect, and discover together.
Here’s what you can expect from this blog:
- Insights into My Classes & Workshops: I’ll break down themes of upcoming workshops, like what a prostate massage class entails and how it’s structured, so you’ll know exactly what to expect.
- Articles on Relevant Topics: I’ll write about QiGong, male vitality, Touch and Tantra. There are many areas of the male experience I’d like to explore here. This blog can give you an archive to reflect on and refer to anytime.
- Conversations About Men’s Health: I’ll address issues that many of us face but rarely discuss—regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or experience—to create a space for shared understanding and support.
- Engagement in the Comments: I encourage you to join the conversation by sharing your thoughts and experiences in the comments. Together, we can learn and grow.
- Practice Demonstrations: I’ll post videos featuring techniques, practices, and discussions about current issues, giving you practical tools to explore on your own.
Most of the articles are written by me. The fourth article in this blog is an essay by a journalist who attended one of my weekend workshops at Frog Meadow Farm in Vermont in 2019. It’s his personal look at what you can expect from my workshops. Thanks for being here—I look forward to connecting with you!

Adam Brown
Adam is an acupuncturist, bodyworker, and teacher in New York City, specializing in workshops and retreats for men. With a focus on massage, Taoist QiGong, and Tantra principles, he helps men cultivate deeper connections and live expressive, embodied lives.