We humans are so accustomed to having our thoughts guide us through life. We take comfort in knowing the outcome of our actions; our endeavors. We feel safe if we […]
The Tantric Challenge and Opportunity
Humans are filled with desires, which originate in our minds, nestle in our hearts and tug at our behavior. Before we even realize, these desires are circulating through our consciousness. […]
Aspects of Tiger-Tantric Massage 1
Steps to follow to create a great Tiger-Tantric Massage: The healing power of pleasure is a powerful tool when used consciously. It can also be delicate and, even elusive. The […]
Apsects of Tiger Tantric Massage 2
Once Practitioner and Receiver make Agreements governing the confines of the Tantric Session, communication stays open, especially in the first minutes of the session. Grounding is essential using techniques such […]
“Good Vibrations,” an article by Scott Kiernan published in the Boston Spirit
This article was first published in the Boston Spirit in the September/October 2019 issue. About 7 feet to my right, my boyfriend is oiling down and naked stranger. This is […]