Heart-Centered Touch Retreats
Expand your Touch skills and practice over an extended period in a communal/residential setting
Retreats are a combination of learning and practicing Touch in a group setting. Retreats are generally residential – where we live and eat and play together. Retreats are divided up between Skills and Practice modules. Adam weaves into the learning sessions exercises designed to expand our awareness, embody our sensations and notice our responses to Touch. Sometimes we have to overcome internal obstacles that hinder personal expression. Paired exercises as well as group-sharing creates a container of safety and possibility to explore our feelings, our sensations and our capacity for pleasure. Freedom to be and to express ourselves sensually, even erotically is nourishing to our bodies and our souls.
Other Activities May Include:
Walks, Taoist and Tantric Rituals, Philosophical/thematic discussions of Taoism and Tantra. Winter Mexico Retreats offer us naked beach-time – relaxing in the warmth of Mexico and in community. Our intention is to provide the possibility of living an embodied life, where we are acknowledged for who we are and how we show up.

Mexico Retreats
Learn, Practice and Play in Community
Adam and Heart-Centered Touch has brought students to Zipolite, Mexico for seven years. Men return year after year to enjoy the warm climate and the open-atmosphere of the town. Our hotel supports our learning and practice and provides a supportive home-base for our groups. A cook at Hotel La Loma Linda is dedicated to providing high-quality, local meals for our group.
Zipolite is unique in Mexico. It is a low-key village with a super-friendly vibe. It is a not-a-resort kind of town, but still has has much to offer: restaurants, naked beach, stellar sunsets over the Pacific Ocean and an acceptance of diversity.

The retreat days are divided up into:
- Mornings: QiGong (Taoist yoga) class, warm breakfast, skills-classes and touch-practice. Discussions of concepts of Taoism and Tantra Principles of living.
- Afternoons: Touch practice-time exploring the skills introduced. On retreat, there are opportunities for discussion around issues facing us in our lives and in our communities.
- Evenings are about dinners in town, night beach walks, music and dance.

- When: February 26 – March 4, 2025
- Where: Zipolite, Mexico
- Investment: $1600
- How to Join: Venmo or Zelle are the preferred methods of payment.
1️⃣ Register with Venmo using the button below. Add “ZIPOLITE RETREAT” in “What’s This For”.
2️⃣ Register with Zelle by sending the payment to 212-366-9025 or using the QR code below. Add “ZIPOLITE RETREAT” as the memo.

3️⃣ If you do not have Venmo or Zelle, you can use PayPal to pay with a credit or debit card using the button below.

Once you decide to attend, look into flights to Huatulco international airport (HUX) for the best prices from your location. Most often, you’ll change in Mexico City from northern locations although there are special charters from Canada to Huatulco as well as flights through Tijuana or Houston.
Our capacity for the retreat is 16 men but we will squeeze everyone in who wants to join us! 😁
This retreat is a complete package that includes: accommodation based on double-occupancy; daily warm breakfast and lunch and two dinners. All meals are prepared with love by our special retreat chef, Connie. There are vegetarian options at every meal.
Join Adam’s Zipolite Mexico Tantra and Touch Retreats Facebook Page here.

Yoga and Tantra/Touch Retreat
March 14-20, 2025
Adam is co-teaching a second retreat in Zipolite with Markus and Yoann –
two experienced yoga teachers from Montreal March 14-20, 2025.
It takes place at the same venue as our first retreat – Hotel La Loma Linda.
The dates are March 14-20, 2025. This retreat/workshop offers all participants daily morning yoga class & practice with Markus & Yoann and daily afternoon Touch & Tantra Practice with Adam. This is a dynamic collaboration designed to give you a big dose of Embodied Practices that support you in staying centered, flexible and open.
See the Facebook invitation here with all the details you need, including a registration form and payment options. The workshop fee is $1,200 U.S.
Room and board to be paid separately to Hotel La Loma Linda.
Ask me any questions about the retreat by email, text or call me.
212-366-9025 (mobile)
Men who need physical attention. (all of us!) We are less isolated when touch and talk are offered in an open-hearted and honest space. Through Adam’s acknowledgement, recognition and empathy, I’ve gained more acceptance of myself.
– Stephen, Boston, MA