Humans are filled with desires, which originate in our minds, nestle in our hearts and tug at our behavior. Before we even realize, these desires are circulating through our consciousness. Desires evolves from an impulse to a thought and into our sensory experience. Before we know it, we have embodied our thoughts and transmuted them into fantasies which start a process of feelings, urges and visceral movements inside us.
Often the desire lands in our sex. The jumble is a complex set of feelings and thoughts that reside in us, seeking expression.
This tangle of tentacles forms a web in which we are held — and sometimes caught.
The challenges arise when we attach our desire to an object. We now have something or someone to focus our desire on. Then, inevitably the obstacles to truly attaining our desire present themselves to us, sometimes consciously, but often unconsciously.
Our imagination can take off in all directions. The focus shifts and before we know it, the challenge becomes our focus. An internal dialogue begins. This replaces the original desire with an infinite array of excuses, reasons why, why-not; shame, guilt, and conflicts. The result could be lifetimes of clearing out all the reasons why we cannot attain our original desire.
The conversation could go something like this: “I want, I wish, I’d like, I’d love…”
“But, I can’t. I’m not worthy. I feel small… Unlovable.”
Resignation sets in.
The original desire has been transmuted into an internal battle, expressed through missed opportunities, conversations about how you can more successful, more worthy, more beautiful. This is a dualistic narrative, comparing yourself to an ideal of how to be a better human.
If you only realized that at any given moment, you are the best human you can be no matter how you show up.
The question “How can I fix me?” is like chasing the dragon’s tail. It is never-ending.
Until you end it by choice.
The Tantric challenge and opportunity is to see this conversation within you as a possibility to make a choice. What if you were to decide to renounce your limiting thoughts? See them for what they are and choose to deny them entry into your psyche. They are part of your journey in this life. Yet, how much time do you want to spend on those limiting thoughts? Before you know it, you are embracing your limiting thoughts as a lifestyle.
Herein lies the opportunity with in the challenge in Tantra.
Tantra teaches us that we are already perfect. We are divine in every stage of life we go though; in every manifestation of our personality and in our relationships. Tantra calls us to look at ourselves as perfect.
How do we nurture the conviction that we are divine manifested in human form? Once we say yes to our perfection, to our divine nature, every moment becomes an opportunity.
Once freed from limiting thoughts about the world you inhabit, you begin to see the universe as it really is. Full of opportunity and potential.This gives us more freedom to be ourselves. We can choose that freedom. Once we do, we never go back.